Effective Use of FX and Routing

From Loopy Pro Wiki

Loopy Pro offers a robust set of tools for applying and managing effects (FX) and routing audio. Understanding how to effectively use sends, buses, and multiple instances of effects can significantly enhance your audio production capabilities.

Sends and Buses

Sends and buses are essential for managing how audio is routed and processed through effects in Loopy Pro.

Adding a Bus

  1. Open the Mixer view.
  2. Tap the + button in the corner and select "Add Bus".

Using Sends

  1. In the Mixer, tap the + button within the Sends area of a channel strip.
  2. Select the bus you created.
  3. Adjust the send level using the dial that appears. Swiping vertically adjusts the level, and then dragging out horizontally allows for finer control.

Sends can be positioned at different points in the signal flow:

  • Before All Effects: The send occurs before any effects are applied.
  • Before Fader: The send occurs after pre-fader effects but before the fader.
  • After Fader: The send occurs after the fader but before post-fader effects.
  • After All Effects: The send occurs after all effects and the fader.

Long press on a send dial to change its position in the signal flow or to delete it.

Using Multiple Instances of the Same Effect

Loopy Pro allows you to use the same effect across multiple channels. This feature is particularly useful when you want to apply a consistent effect setting to multiple audio sources.

Adding an Effect

  1. In the Mixer, tap the + button in the Effects section of a channel strip.
  2. Select the desired effect from the list.

Applying the Same Effect to Multiple Channels

  1. Add the effect to the first channel and configure it as needed.
  2. Repeat the process for other channels. Loopy Pro will manage multiple hidden instances of the effect, synchronizing their settings to simulate a single, multi-channel plugin.

This approach helps maintain performance efficiency while ensuring consistent effect application across channels.

Pre-Fader vs Post-Fader Effects

Choosing between pre-fader and post-fader effects depends on the desired audio outcome.

Pre-Fader Effects

These are applied before the channel's volume fader. They process the full-volume audio and then pass the processed signal through the fader. Use pre-fader effects when you want the effect to be independent of volume changes.

Post-Fader Effects

These are applied after the channel's volume fader. They process the audio after the volume adjustment, meaning the effect's output is influenced by the fader position. Use post-fader effects when you want the effect to be affected by volume changes, such as reverb or delay that should fade out naturally when the volume is reduced.

Practical Tips for Effective FX and Routing

  • Group Effects: Use buses to group similar channels and apply a single effect to the group, saving processing power and ensuring consistency.
  • Parallel Processing: Use sends to create parallel processing