Managing Multiple Projects and Templates

From Loopy Pro Wiki

Loopy Pro offers powerful tools for managing multiple projects and utilizing templates to streamline your workflow. This guide will walk you through the key concepts and steps involved in managing projects and using templates effectively.

Creating and Managing Projects

Projects in Loopy Pro allow you to organize your loops, settings, and configurations into a single file that can be easily loaded and modified.

Creating a New Project

  1. Open Loopy Pro and go to the Projects section by tapping the folder icon at the top of the screen.
  2. Tap the + button to create a new project.
  3. Name your project and configure the initial settings as needed.

Saving Projects

  1. To save a project, tap the disk icon at the top of the screen.
  2. Choose "Save" to overwrite the current project or "Duplicate" to create a new copy with a different name.

Loading Projects

  1. Open the Projects section.
  2. Tap on the project you want to load.
  3. Loopy Pro will load the project, including all clips, settings, and configurations.

You can also tap and hold on the folder icon to quickly open a list of recently-accessed projects.

Using Folders

Organizing your projects into folders helps keep your workspace tidy and makes it easier to find specific projects.

Creating Folders

  1. In the Projects section, tap the + folder icon at the top.
  2. Name the folder, and tap "Create"

Moving Projects Between Folders

  1. Tap "Edit" to move into selection mode
  2. Select the projects to move
  3. Tap "Move" at the bottom, and select a target folder

Using Templates

Templates are a powerful feature in Loopy Pro that allow you to create a standard setup that can be reused for multiple projects.

Creating a Template

  1. Set up a project with your desired configuration, including clips, effects, and routing.
  2. Save the project by tapping "Save".
  3. Tap the star icon in the toolbar to mark it as a template

Using a Template

When you start a new project, it will be based on the template project. If you have more than one template, then you will be prompted to select a template.

Set Lists

Set Lists allow you to chain multiple projects together for seamless transitions during a performance.

Creating a Set List

  1. Open the Projects section and tap "Set Lists".
  2. Tap "Create Set List"
  3. Add projects to the set list by tapping "Add Project".
  4. Arrange the order of projects by dragging the handles on the left.

Using a Set List

  1. In the Load Project action, select the set list under the "Next Project In Set List" option.
  2. Trigger the Load Project action to transition between projects in your set list.

Practical Tips

  • Regularly save your projects to avoid losing work.
  • Use templates for repetitive setups to save time and ensure consistency.
  • Organize projects into folders based on type, date, or performance to keep your workspace organized.
  • Utilize set lists for live performances to ensure smooth transitions between songs or sections.

Common Issues and Solutions

Issue: Project size increases unexpectedly

  • Ensure that previous save versions are deleted if no longer needed to reduce overall project size.

Issue: Projects not appearing in the list

  • Check that the projects are saved in the correct folder and that they are not hidden.